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          Humiliated, publicly shamed, destitute – Sydney hits rock bottom. There are two choices: give up or start over. Sydney realizes she must take life by the horns if she’s to revive her career and forge a new life she can be proud of.
          As Camille’s world falls apart, it will take all of her strength and all the help she can get to fight for her family’s legacy.
          Malory Towers is about everything school should stand for - friendships, lessons, sports, plays and especially mischief.
          Malory Towers is about everything school should stand for - friendships, lessons, sports, plays and especially mischief.
          Malory Towers is about everything school should stand for - friendships, lessons, sports, plays and especially mischief.
          Malory Towers is about everything school should stand for - friendships, lessons, sports, plays and especially mischief.
          Malory Towers is about everything school should stand for - friendships, lessons, sports, plays and especially mischief.
          Malory Towers is about everything school should stand for - friendships, lessons, sports, plays and especially mischief.
          Danny’s wife Harriet is still struggling to deal with the death of their first two children – a death she blames Isabelle for. But Danny himself is grappling with his own demons when a stranger in town brings to light a long-forgotten secret from his past.
          But as Alix delves further into the scandal, powerful people want to silence her, targeting her family. For someone who was never scared, Alix now realizes that the time has come to play some very dangerous games.
          Two of the story's iconic characters are Harvard students Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss: identical twins, Olympic rowers, and legal foils to Mark Zuckerberg. BITCOIN BILLIONAIRES is the story of the brothers' redemption and revenge in the wake of their epic legal battle with Facebook - and the first great book from the world of bitcoin.
          For Tad Spencer, only son of a fabulously wealthy businessman, every day is like Christmas. Until he makes the mistake of wishing he was someone else. The next morning he wakes up as Bob Snarby, trapped in a cruel and squalid funfair world inhabited by hopeless criminals, mysterious fortune tellers and - worst of all - the murderous Finn.
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