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          Lift the flaps to discover the wonders of space, from Earth's orbit to distant galaxies.
          Lift the flaps to discover the hidden world inside your body, from your hair to your toenails.
          Lift the flaps to discover astounding secrets about dinosaurs, from Jurassic giants to Cretaceous carnivores.
          Lift the flaps to discover a whole world at your fingertips.
          Lift the flaps to discover jaw-dropping secrets of the animal kingdom, from the deepest oceans to the tops of the tallest trees.
          Read, think, and learn about the human body, science, space, and dinosaurs in the wonderful series!
          Read, think, and learn about the human body, science, space, and dinosaurs in the wonderful series!
          Read, think, and learn about the human body, science, space, and dinosaurs in the wonderful series!
          Read, think, and learn about the human body, science, space, and dinosaurs in the wonderful series!
          Explore and find out all the answers to your mind-boggling biology, chemistry and physics questions in this must-have guide to all things science!
          Travel back in time and discover the answers to your questions in this must-have guide to all things history and culture!
          Discover the answers to all your questions about the body in this must-have guide to all things human!
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